The costs of being a dog trainer

The costs of being a dog trainer

The costs of being a dog trainer Reading Time: 5 minutes Steve loved food and dreamt of starting his own restaurant. After working as a software engineer for over a decade, Steve had saved enough money to finally make his dream a reality. One day while scrolling...
What is crate training?

What is crate training?

What is crate training? Reading Time: 4 minutes We could see how fragile our lives were when the world was first hit by covid-19. The virus forced people to go through a time like never before. Some countries afforded more freedom while most others had increased...
What is the attention sound?

What is the attention sound?

What is the attention sound? Reading Time: 3 minutes Nicole lived in a beautiful lake-side house just on the outskirts of Dallas. She shared her home with her five year old mixed breed dog Spencer. On weekends, they spent most of their time in the garden. After...