These regulations set out the rights and obligations of course participants, applicants and the school, in order to ensure fair and impartial treatment of participants and applicants.

The purpose of these regulations is to help create an effective collaborative learning environment, along with a sense of collective responsibility, and to help ensure the well being of everyone involved. All participants must commit to following the guidelines in this document.

These rules and regulations follow the standard policy for higher education in Norway.

In this document, the terms “we”, “us”, “our”, “I”, “Nordic Dog Trainer” and “(the) school” refer to Nordic Education Centre for Dog Trainers AS . The terms “participant”, “you” and “your” refer to the participant/student in/of a course or other educational product operated by Nordic Dog Trainer.


A participant at the Nordic Education Centre for Dog Trainers International Dog Trainer School is entitled to the training, help and guidance described in the school’s curriculum, regulations and quality assurance policy.

Participants are required to familiarise themselves with the school’s regulations, course plans and teaching practices. In addition, participants must familiarise themselves with the school’s exam formats as well as prerequisites in order to be able to sit for an exam.

The participant cannot plead lack of knowledge of the school’s rules as an excuse for breaking the rules. All information is available on the school’s website (www.nordicdogtrainer.com) and/or digital learning platform.

The school is obliged to carry out the teaching in accordance with the course plan. The school can make minor changes to the teaching and syllabus if special circumstances dictate this. The school is obliged to inform participants of changes and facilitate their adaptation to them to the best of its ability.

The school is obliged to inform participants about the regulations and make all information about the regulations, course plans and other relevant information easily available to participants and staff.

Attendance and absence rules are stipulated for each level (Level 1, Level 2 Level 3 and Level 4). If attendance and assignment requirements are not met, the student may risk losing the right to complete the education.

The school may issue a written warning of exclusion to a participant who behaves in a manner that is grossly disruptive to the work of fellow students or to the school’s activities.

Examples of actions and behaviour that may result in such a warning are:

– Cheating during an exam
– Use of the school’s internet connection to access websites that contravene    Norwegian legislation
– Noisy and disruptive behaviour in the classroom
– Possession and use of drugs on the school premises
– Use of dog training methods that contravene Norwegian legislation and        the Norwegian Food Safety Authority’s (Mattilsynet) recommendations
– Keeping dogs or animals that contravene Norwegian legislation and the        Norwegian Food Safety Authority’s recommendations

The above list is not exhaustive.

The principal may decide to exclude a participant for up to four (4) weeks if the warning is not heeded. The participant has the right to explain himself/herself to the principal before a decision on expulsion is made.

Participants are obliged to keep and train dogs in accordance with the guidelines described in the Norwegian Food Safety Authority’s recommendations, the currently applicable Norwegian Animal Welfare Law LOV-2009-06-19-97, and the ethos and ethical policy of Nordic Dog Trainer. These laws and rules are non-derogable and apply both on and off the school premises.

Breach of the above may result in a participant’s exclusion for up to four (4) weeks, and may result in the termination of the participant’s contract with the school. The participant has the right to explain him/herself to the principal before a decision on expulsion or contract termination is made.

The course manager is responsible for all aspects of the course. The course manager is answerable to the principal. Teachers are answerable to the course manager. Mentors and trainees are answerable to the teachers. The participant is answerable to the mentors, teachers, course manager and the principal.


The school reserves the right to cancel a course or other product if there are not enough participants to make it viable to run the course or deliver the product. If a course or other product is cancelled, participants will be notified of this no later than one (1) week before the scheduled start date. The school will refund the full amount, including any deposit, that the participant has paid to the school within five (5) working days of cancellation being notified.

a) Registration is carried out by filling in the registration form on the school’s website. Registration is open until all places are filled or until the deadline specified in the registration information.

b) Offers of course places are accepted by signing and submitting the registration form. It is extremely important that the applicant familiarises himself/herself with the school’s regulations, including conditions for payment and violations of course attendance, and familiarise themselves with the course plan, the dates for online and offline lectures and Q&As, meetings, seminars and in-person training and any other applicable conditions as described on our website.

It is assumed that participants keep dogs and practise dog training in accordance with the Norwegian Animal Welfare Act and ethos and ethical policy of Nordic Dog Trainer, and that he/she has a desire to train dogs using up-to-date methods, based on positive reinforcement and up-to-date research, that are taught by Nordic Dog Trainer.

Nordic Education Centre for Dog Trainers reserves the right to cancel admission if a participant is found to have provided false information, falsified certificates of other documentation, or misrepresented themselves in some other manner in order to gain admission.


The participant is allowed to sit for the final exam when he/she has:

– completed, handed in and passed all mandatory assignments
demonstrated his/her suitability to work with dogs in a professional               capacity
– read all mandatory literature
– watched all mandatory online pre-recorded lectures
– attended all mandatory online and offline lectures and Q&As
– paid the course fee in full

If a participant is at risk of not being allowed to sit the exam, he/she must be notified by the course manager as soon as possible, and no later than four (4) weeks before the exam. The course manager is responsible for notifying the participant and informing him/her of what he/she needs to do in order to be allowed to sit for the final exam.

All participants who have had their coursework and all mandatory assignments approved, paid the full course fee, have shown personal suitability and have not been absent without a valid reason are automatically registered for the exam.

Absence from the exam due to illness must be justified by a medical certificate.
If the participant is prevented from attending for other reasons, such as serious illness or death of a close family member (parents, partner, children) this must also be justified by appropriate documentation. Absences that are justified by suitable documentation are considered valid absences. If the absence is not valid, the participant is deemed as a ‘no show’ for the exam.

The exam fee is included in the course fee, but if the participant is a no show on the date of the exam, he/she can apply to re-sit the exam on the next available date. A written request to take the exam must be received and approved by the principal no later than (3) weeks after the date of the original examination.

The decision whether or not to approve an application to retake an exam will be made by the principal. For a ‘no show’ (i.e. the participant did not have a valid reason for not attending the exam), there is an additional exam fee of €270. In case of a valid absence, no additional exam fee is payable.

The following are considered cheating:

– submission of work carried out by another person
– reproduction and/or quotations from books, magazines, scientific papers, – other peoples’ assignments, etc. which is included without reference to the – source and without a clear indication that it is a reproduction and/or       —    quotation
– actions intended to give the participant or a co-participant an unjustified –    advantage in the exam
– actions which mean that the knowledge and skills of the participant, or co- participants, could not be assessed in an impartial way

The above list is not exhaustive.

If a participant has intentionally or grossly negligently cheated, or has attempted to cheat, the exam for the participant may be cancelled.

The participant may appeal against decisions on sanctions as a result of cheating. The appeal will be sent to the principal who will assess it in collaboration with the course manager. If the appeal is upheld, the participant has the right to retake the exam, without having to pay an additional exam fee, within eight (8) weeks after receiving written confirmation that the appeal has been upheld.

The participant will be issued a course certificate upon successful completion of Level 1, Level 2 or Level 3. A ‘Certified by Nordic Dog Trainer’ diploma will be issued upon completion of Level 4. The diploma will include information about all four levels.

Diplomas are only issued if the course fee has been paid in full, and all exams have been passed.

The participant has the right to request a justification for the grading of their performance.

If a participant complains about their grading, another teacher and the principal will review their work. The new teacher and the principal will not be made aware of the grade given in the original assessment. The grade may be adjusted upwards or downwards relative to the grade that was given in the original assessment. The new teacher and the principal set the final grade, and this cannot be changed or appealed. The principal has the final decision of the grade.

A complaint must be sent to the course manager within two (2) weeks of the date the exam evaluation was received by the participant.

Complaint processing can take up to four (4) weeks and the result will be communicated to the participant in writing.

a) A participant who was absent from an exam for a valid reason will be offered a postponed exam. Postponed exams are held within three (3) months of the original exam. Participants who have failed an exam can resit it at the same time as participants taking a postponed exam. The participant can take the same exam up to two (2) times including the ordinary first exam.

b) The postponed exam is subject to a fee of €270. Participants who have had their exam postponed due to a valid absence, or if they failed the exam, can resit/retake the exam free of charge

c) A written application for a postponed exam or to resit an exam must be made in writing to the principal within three (3) weeks of the original exam date/deadline.

a) Exams are assessed by two of the school’s teachers.

b) Where several examiners are used, it shall be clarified in advance who has the final decision in the event of any disagreement about the grade. In cases where more than one examiner is used, and in the event of any disagreement about the grade, the course manager has the final decision.


Each course has a certain number of compulsory written and practical tasks that must be completed. The coursework and practical assignments are described in the course information.

Assignments and coursework may vary and be updated from one running of a course to another. All information is available on Nordic Dog Trainer’s website www.nordicdogtrainer.com and available to all participants upon the start of every course. The following conditions and information apply to all assignments and coursework: –

All assignments and coursework must be delivered within the given deadlines.
In the event of an absence due to illness or another valid reason (e.g. a court summons, or death/serious illness of a close family member), the participant can apply for a postponement of submission. Application for postponement must be sent in writing to the course manager no later than one (1) week before the submission deadline. The course manager will decide whether to approve the application and communicate his/her decision to the participant in writing along with any new deadline for submission. The course manager will notify the teachers of the postponement.

If compulsory coursework is not delivered within the deadline without notification to the course manager, the assignment is considered not to have been delivered and the participant will lose the right to take the final exam.
If the participant has applied for a postponement too late, or if the basis for the application is not accepted, the student will be able to hand in the assignment, but the assignment will automatically be graded 1 or passed/not passed without any feedback.

Assessment and approval of coursework is carried out by the teacher(s).
The participant will receive written or oral evaluation and feedback for all coursework and assignments. If the assignment has a pass or no pass grading, the participant will be given the opportunity to submit a new and improved assignment if the grade is no pass. The participant will be allowed up to two (2) attempts to improve the task. The result will be announced within four (4) weeks after the new assignment has been submitted.


Nordic Dog Trainer uses the following type of grading and evaluating homework:

1 = Below norm
2 = Norm
3 = Above norm

Exam/final assessment:
Pass/not pass
Good/very good

Participants will be informed in advance which form of assessment applies to work they are submitting.


As a basic principle, Nordic Dog Trainer owns all intellectual property, data, inventions and physical material that have been created using the school’s resources unless otherwise specified by law or an agreement by which the school is bound, or in this document.

Nordic Dog Trainer owns all teaching materials. Examples include academic literature, musical works, works of art, video, software and presentations, as well as their performance and dissemination.


These rules apply for all training, consultations, film making, coursework, all other assignments and exams set by Nordic Dog Trainer, at the participants own home, the school venue(s), at the owners home or at a public location.

All forms of physical punishment, squirt bottles, choke collars, electric collars, barking collars and other forms of ‘dressage leashes’, and other forms of aids intended to frighten, shock, hurt, or physically correct dogs are not permitted.

Nordic Dog Trainer always strongly recommends the use of a well fitted harness. If the client of a participant is using a collar on the dog, the participant must inform them about the negative effects of collars, and strongly recommend a well-fitted harness including an explanation of why, and how to find a suitable harness for the individual dog.
All students and participants enrolled in a Nordic Dog Trainer course must use a harness on their own dog. Films submitted for assignments where a student’s own dog is wearing a collar attached to a leash will automatically fail.

All dogs brought onto the school premises must be vaccinated in accordance with a veterinarian’s recommendations and free from lice and other infectious pests. If illness is suspected, contact a veterinarian and leave the dog at home.

The dog owner/participant is responsible for having the necessary insurance for his/her dog. Nordic Dog Trainer is not responsible for injuries that occur during school hours or other activities between the sessions. The school expects participants to follow instructions from teachers and treat any dogs that are present with the greatest respect and consideration.

Nordic Dog Trainer does not take responsibility for training methods the individual participant chooses to use and the results thereof. Nordic Dog Trainer uses and recommends only positive learning methods without any form of punishment, fear, pain and discomfort, in line with the Norwegian Animal Welfare Act and Nordic Dog Trainer code of ethics.

Participants have a responsibility toward their own dog (or a dog they are in charge of) and other people’s dogs at the school. We expect anyone handling a dog at the school to follow the teachers’ instructions and recommendations regarding distance and respect for other dogs. As a general rule, dogs must be on a leash in the school area and not behave in a manner likely to create insecurity and fear among other dogs with whom they come into contact.

As a general rule, consideration is given to male dogs if a female dog is on heat. If it turns out that a male dog has major challenges due to a bitch being on heat, the female dog’s owner must refrain from taking the dog to school as long as the dog is on heat.


The participant is obliged to familiarise him/herself with these rules and regulations along with any other conditions relating to the sale of one of the school’s educational products. These regulations and any additional applicable conditions are considered a mutual contract for admission at Nordic Dog Trainer.



We would like to point out that you, as a participant, are obliged to familiarise yourself with the payment terms, cancellation terms, workload, schedule and the date and time for online and offline mandatory and non-mandatory lessons, and therefore agree that this is not an obstacle to completing the education.

Cancellation due to lack of time or difficulties in attending mandatory lectures and assignments is not a valid reason for cancellation after the start of school as these dates are made known before enrolment. We strongly recommend re-considering registration if you are in any way unsure whether you are able to complete your course.

The course fee includes all online and in-person lectures and any notes, summaries or handouts given to participants by teachers

Books, other literature and other teaching materials as well as board, lodging and transport are not included in the course fee.

Once the registration form is signed and submitted, the participant has a financial obligation for the full cost of the course or other product that they have signed up to.


a) Level 1
€50/$50 of any amount paid for this course is treated as a non-refundable administration fee.

Written and confirmed cancellations are accepted until 24 hours before the course starts, and you will be entitled to a full refund of the course fee.

If you cancel less than 24 hours before the start of the course or after the start of the course, or if you stop attending or participating in the course after it has started, no refund will be given, and you will remain responsible for any outstanding instalment payments.

b) Level 2
€50/$50 of any amount paid for this course is treated as a non-refundable administration fee.

Written and confirmed cancellations will be accepted no later than two (2) weeks before the course starts.

If you cancel less than two (2) weeks before the start of course, you will be entitled to a refund of 50% of the total course fee.

c) Level 3
Written and confirmed cancellation within six (6) weeks before the start of the course: 100% refund.
Written and confirmed cancellation within three (3) weeks before the start of the course: 50% refund.
Less than three (3) weeks before the start of the course: the full course fee will be charged.

d) Level 4
Written and confirmed cancellation within six (6) weeks before the start of the course: 100% refund.
Written and confirmed cancellation within three (3) weeks before the start of the course: 50% refund.
Less than three (3) weeks before the start of the course: the full course fee will be charged.

e) 5-day practical in Norway
Written and confirmed cancellation within eight (8) weeks before the start of the course: 100% refund.
Written and confirmed cancellation within four (4) weeks before the start of the course: 50% refund.
Less than four (4) weeks before the start of the course: the full course fee will be charged.

f) In-person Expert seminar
Written and confirmed cancellation within eight (8) weeks before the start of the course: 100% refund.
Written and confirmed cancellation within four (4) weeks before the start of the course: 50% refund.
Less than four (4) weeks before the start of the course: the full course fee will be charged.

Level 1, 2, 3 and 4:
If a written cancellation has not been sent, the course fee must be paid even if the participant does not attend/participate.
The written cancellation must be verified and confirmed by the principle to be valid.
If you have not paid the course fee when written cancellation is sent, you will still be financially responsible to the agreement and must still pay even if you cannot attend. The exceptions are described further down on this page.

g) Tiny Science Chat Journal Club
Your subscription fee renews automatically on the same date you registered (i.e. registration on the 21st of August: renews automatically the 21st of August the following year).
You can request that we cancel your subscription at any time by sending an email to mail@nordicdogtrainer.com, or cancel it yourself via your Simplero login. The subscription will be terminated at the first upcoming renewal date.

h) Online course/Membership platform

i) Online Webinars
Full refund for written and confirmed cancellations up to 24 hours before the webinar. For cancellations less than 24 hours before the start or after the start of the webinar, no refund will be given.

You are welcome to give your place on the webinar to another person, or to sell it for no more than the price you paid upon registration. You are responsible for providing the contact details of any new attendant to Nordic Dog Trainer so that they will receive the zoom link and certificate.

j) On-demand webinars and online lectures with immediate access
No refund.

Upon registration, a non-refundable €50/$50 registration fee is paid.
The registration fee will only be refunded if the participant is prevented from starting the course due to an acute illness or injury, the effect(s) of which would render it impossible or inappropriate for them to the course after registration, or if the school cancels the course .

The registration fee will not be refunded for the following reasons:

– Illness or disorder that is known before registration and where there is a      need for treatment, or where complications or a need for treatment are       foreseeable.
– Treatment/operation/cure or similar that was planned or foreseen before – enrolment.
– Illness/disorder that the participant was aware of, and which posed a risk    that the education could not be completed.
– Mental disorder that was known, or suspected, before enrolment.
– Abuse of intoxicants or sedatives.
– Participation in criminal activity.
– That the course is no longer relevant for the participant, or the participant    changes his mind about his/her enrolment.
– Inability on the part of the participant to attend or participate in online or    in-person lectures, training or other sessions at their scheduled dates and     times.
– Failure on the part of the participant to familiarise him/herself with meeting dates/course session times, the content and/or scope and regulations of the education before enrolment.

Please note that if the partial payment is not paid in accordance with the due date, you will lose access to the teaching until the payment has been made. And you are still financially responsible for the entire course fee.

Non-payment is processed by the Debt Collection company Intrum.

In the event of non-payment, the school may refuse the participant access to future lectures, Q&As and the course platform until payment has been made in full. A participant will not receive any feedback for any assignments as long as the course fee is unpaid.

International Dog Trainer School level 1, 2, 3 and 4
If the participant cancels school – regardless of the reason – the school fee paid will not be refunded and the participant is still financially responsible for paying the remaining school fee if this has not been paid in full.

If the participant cancels the course after the start due to an unexpectedly acute, long-term, treatment-requiring and serious illness or injury and which was not already known or suspected at the start of school in themselves or their partner/spouse or children:

The reason for cancellation must be documented by a doctor and a doctor’s statement cannot have retroactive effect. The remaining school fee will then not be collected.

The reasons mentioned below are not valid grounds for cancellation after the cancellation deadline. The participant is responsible for paying full school fees if illness, suffering or injury is a result of:

– Illness or disorder that is known before enrolment, and where there is a     need for treatment, or where complications or the need for treatment are   foreseeable.
– Treatment/operation/cure or similar that was planned or envisaged before enrolment.
– Illness/disorder that the participant was aware of, and which posed a risk    that the education could not be completed.
– Mental disorder that was known, or suspected, before enrolment.
– Abuse of intoxicants or sedatives.
– Participation in criminal activity.
– That the course is no longer useful or relevant to the participant.
– Inability on the part of the participant to attend or participate in online or in-person lectures, training or other sessions at their scheduled dates and times.
– Failure on the part of the participant to familiarise him/herself with meeting dates/school times, the content and/or scope and regulations of the education before enrolment.

In the event of a cancelled course/school, Nordic Dog Trainer will refund the full course fee including the registration fee within five (5) working days after confirmation of the cancelled course.

If payment is not made by the due date and a debt collection case is registered, Nordic Dog Trainer reserves the right to deprive the participant of access to the course platform and any lectures and Q&A’s, and evaluation of assignments until payment has been completed.

Once the registration has been paid and registered, it is financially binding for the entire course fee.

If written cancellation has not been sent, the participant will be invoiced for the first partial payment regardless of whether or not the participant turns up for the first day of the course.

In the case of more than 14 days late payment of the deposit and course fee, the participant must pay the interest in accordance with the Norwegian Act on interest for late payment of 17.12.76 no. 100, and a reminder will be sent. A reminder fee of €10 will be charged. If the outstanding amount has not been paid within 14 days after the reminder has been sent, the outstanding amount will be recovered through legal debt collection in accordance with the debt collection act of 13.05.88 no. 26 with regulations laid down in royal decree of 14.07.89.

This applies only for Level 1, 2, 3 and 4 at the International Dog Trainer School.

If the participant has to (regardless of the reason) or chooses to interrupt the course for any reason, the full course fee must still be paid.

The participant can apply to the principal to re-start the course within one (1) year at a cost of fifty (50) % of the course fee as of the start date of the new course.

The participant must complete and submit all required and mandatory assignments and complete the exam on the new course, regardless of how many assignments he/she has completed during the original course. The participant must also accept any changes made to the course that may have occurred since the first enrolment.

Nordic Education Centre for Dog Trainers

Updated: 20 January 2023